For Parents » Reminders from the Principal

Reminders from the Principal

Lunch - Safety Protocol Reminders

Masks - As with the new guidance taking effect on Monday, March 7, 2022 masks are optional at all times during the school day which includes during the recess period. 


Handwashing/sanitizing - Students will be regularly reminded and encouraged about handwashing before, during and after lunch with soap and water and/or hand sanitizer, especially for those groups with recess first (Grade 1 - Mrs. O'Shea and Mrs. Dowling's classes, all three sections of Grade 3 and all three sections of Grade 5). During the transition from lunch to recess and vice versa at approximately 12:18 PM each day, students will be permitted to either drop off (groups who have lunch first) or pick up (those who have recess first) their lunch boxes in their classroom and this will be a time to wash/sanitize hands as well.


Below are a few additional reminders/requests for lunch. Thanks to everyone for:

- sending your child(ren) in with a towel or yoga mat to school for outside lunch.

- packing items that are easy to eat with your hands since students are seated upon towel or yoga mat.

- remembering to place your school lunch order through our food service provider Pomptonian by 11:59 PM the day before. 

- informing your child(ren)'s teacher prior to the start of the school day or call the Main Office if you plan to pick up your child(ren) for lunch. (Pick up is at the front door 11:50 AM and drop off at the front door at 12:45 PM)


Parking Lot Safety

Thanks to all for keeping the Brookside parking lot for staff members only. In addition, all pedestrians walking on school grounds during arrival and dismissal are reminded to please, please, please walk around the perimeter of the lot in order to ensure the safety of all pedestrians and remove any trepidation of staff members maneuvering their vehicles during very busy times of the day.


Dogs on School Grounds

Bringing along the family dog, especially on pleasant weather days, during arrival and dismissal has become a common practice for many. However, it does pose some safety concerns for students who have a fear of dogs. Thanks to everyone for being mindful of keeping the school grounds free of any dogs so that all students can move about freely without worry of having to come in contact or pass by a dog on the premises. 


Pop Tab Collection

Once again this year Mrs. Wilhelm's grade 4 class will be coordinating a Pop Tab Collection to help raise funds to support the Ronald McDonald House. A collection box is available outside the kindergarten door on Spruce Street. 



On October 14, 2020, the district upgraded its technology safety monitoring system. This system further bolsters our existing safety features and filters for school issued student email accounts. Please click this LINK to view the Gaggle website and click HERE to view a short video to better understand how Gaggle works.


Identified Allergies in the Classroom

For snack purposes in each classroom, Grades 1-5, Nurse O'Hara will be connecting with each homeroom teacher in order to have information sent along about any allergies parents/guardians should be aware of. This list will be updated and shared throughout the year.


Signing Students out Early

As a reminder for anyone signing a student out of school for doctor / dentist appointments, etc., thank you for making sure to notify both your student’s teacher and the Main Office at least 30 minutes prior to arriving at BPS. Please call either Mrs. Rokicki at 908-709-8878 or Ms. Moultrie at 908-709-6247 when you are needing to pick up your son/daughter. The Main Office number is 908-709-6244.


Arrival Time and Inclement Weather

Due to limited space indoors, thanks for planning accordingly when there is inclement weather at arrival time since students will need to remain outside the building.


Forgotten Items Reminder

Thanks to everyone for doing all you can to ensure students have what they need before leaving for school in the morning.



At this time, thanks to students and families for refraining from bringing in any items for birthday celebrations. Students will be celebrated without shared items by the teacher.



Thanks to all for reaching out if your child is absent and will not be in school. You can call 908-709-6244 to reach the main office or 908-709-6246 to reach Nurse O'Hara. If an absence is due to illness, it is important to share that information with the nurse.  Also, if there are any changes in your child’s health needs, please contact Mrs. O'Hara, School Nurse, at 908-709-6246 or via email.